Monday, June 05, 2006

Is This Love?

Hi Mr Trivia,

I think I'm in love with Johanna Griggs from Better Homes and Gardens. Every Friday when I watch the show, her eyes seem to shine with a strong light of self-possessed contentment. She has all the qualities of a Mother Teresa plus she's real hot. Please Advise.

Griggsy Lover, Sydney, Australia

Hi Griggsy Lover,

You are completely, categorically wrong. You are infatuated with an image on your television screen. Grow up, man (or woman)! Love is about two people sharing something. It's about meeting someone and establishing a relationship built on trust. You, sad to say, have fallen for the most obvious trick in this outrageously false world in which we live.

The television screen is a one-way window, friend.

On their side there is a clean, lighted world of joy, love, adventure, happiness, fun, sex, food and incredibly large rooms even though the characters are only students or struggling clerks.

On our side there is naught but suffering and unhappiness and of course eventual death.

But you can only love in our world Griggsy-Lover. Their world is as closed to us as the Portal was to the lame child in that poem about the Pied Piper.

Hasta La Vista, Baby!

Senor Trivia

Please Note:
While Mr Trivia takes all possible care to read and understand your letters, sometimes he skims them.

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